
Ed.D. 教育领导 students are values-driven, results-oriented leaders who are passionate about promoting excellence and equity for all students in pre-K to 12 educational settings. Whether you have a leadership role in a school or central office or serve in a nonprofit or public agency, 新大教育.D. prepares leaders to expand their influence in service of pre-K to 12 students.

教育领导 program provides an intensive experience that supports personal and professional transformation in ways that prepare scholar-practitioners to effectively lead innovative and collaborative pre-K to 12 organizations. The program is a three-year executive-style program in which students gather in person 10 weekends each year as well as two Summer intensive sessions. In addition, an online community supports continued learning in between live class sessions. Located in the heart of Dallas with convenient access to both Love Field and DFW International Airport, the schedule is designed for mid-career professionals to further their education while continuing to work.

"The cohort experience and SMU's reputation helped seal the deal for me." – Marion Jackson, Master Principal at West Dallas 阀杆 School

今天学英语. 明天应用.

领导力不仅仅是被研究的, but demonstrated through the curriculum and through blending inquiry and action in students’ ongoing professional work experiences. 课程的设计是为了发展知识, 技能, and dispositions to effectively lead educational organizations. Students gain insights into complex challenges during a weekend session and apply the learning on Monday. While the vast majority of coursework is tailored for each program, joint learning opportunities are provided through a select set of courses and guest speakers in order to foster dialogue across the pre-K to 16 continuum.

被测试. 种植更多的.

Every leader is unique in talents and areas for growth. Cultivate and test your leadership 技能 through simulations, 案例研究分析, 还有团队项目. We use diagnostic assessments combined with extensive feedback on oral, 写, and video-based performance tasks to personalize a leadership path and accelerate your growth. An applied dissertation serves as a capstone experience and is designed for students to build upon and demonstrate leadership competencies through engaging in a multifaceted inquiry project based on a problem of practice.

访问专家. 扩大你的人际网络.

课程 are taught by leading experts in both research and practice and are supplemented by practicing educational leaders – from district superintendents to nonprofit executive directors to state and federal leaders. A small cohort allows for individualized attention and frequent interaction with faculty.


Students will graduate prepared to be system-level change agents in school systems, 州和联邦组织, 非营利组织和营利组织, 和基金会. 我们的教育.D. does not simply prepare students for a job; it prepares leaders to be in the business of changing minds and lives throughout one’s career.


Below are the courses currently planned for the program. 课程 may be modified as we model a process of continuous improvement based on student feedback and faculty reflection.


  • 道德 & 道德领导
  • 领导组织
  • 学术领导1:教学研究 & 学习
  • 学术领导二:提高学生素质 & 成人大规模学习
  • 定量调查
  • 定性调查
  • 系统探究方法
  • 教育预算与财务


  • 政策制定和教育中的政治
  • 治理、伙伴关系和社区参与
  • 变革的战略管理
  • 战略人才管理
  • Superintendent Internship OR 领导 Practicum (6 credits)
  • 学前至16年级比较国际政策
  • 法律 & 学校和地区领导的道德问题


  • 当代教育政策
  • 领导公平和多样性
  • 应用学位论文(6学分)


Those interested in pursuing superintendent certification will be able to complete the requirements within the three-year degree plan by substituting two courses for internship hours. Interested candidates will need to meet requirements for the Texas Superintendent Certificate prior to admission (including possession of a valid Texas Principal Certificate).