
保单号码: 1.1

政策部分: 机构事务

修订日期: 2019年1月2日

1.  定义

定义 of capitalized terms are set forth in Appendix A.

2.  政策声明

大学政策 are formal policies of 南威尼斯人娱乐城 (“SMU”) that have campus-wide application. 这个政策建立了一个求婚的过程, 起草, 批准, 出版, 修改, 并以一致的方式撤回大学政策, 及时的, 高效的方式. Only 大学政策 that have been promulgated in accordance with this policy have the force and effect of official U九点钟rsity policy.

3.  目的

的 purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, 澄清制度期望, 提高业务效率, 降低机构风险, 加强新大的使命.

4.  适用性

所有教师, 学生, 工作人员, 志愿者, contractors and visitors are expected to comply with 大学政策, 是适用的.

5.  政策制定和批准程序

  1. Internal policy 起草 process coordinated by Responsible Office.
    一旦需求被确定, the 负责人员 is responsible for developing a draft policy or 修改 a current U九点钟rsity Policy using the standard policy template. 大学政策 should be drafted so they are clear and concise. 的 standard policy template must be used to achieve consistency, 易于理解, 遵守学校政策. 的 起草 Officer will consult with the other 负责人员s in order to identify key Stakeholders affected by the draft policy. 的 负责人员 will seek input from Stakeholders as necessary and appropriate. All 大学政策 are 主题ect to review and approval by the Office of Legal Affairs.
  2. 将草案提交临时选举委员会审查.
    草稿完成后, the policy is submitted to the President’s Executive Council (“PEC”) 负责人 for review and approval. 如果PEC不批准提议的政策, it is returned to the 负责人员 for additional review.
  3. 经经济发展委员会批准及公布政策.
    如果经济发展委员会不作任何修改,批准拟议的政策, the approved U九点钟rsity Policy shall be published on的 大学政策手册 web site. 的 大学政策手册 is the official repository for 大学政策 and is maintained by the U九点钟rsity Corporate Secretary.
  4. 实现.
    的 负责人员 is responsible for determining if special notice or training is required and for implementing the U九点钟rsity Policy effectively and consistently. 各负责人, 下面列出的, is responsible for ensuring that their designated U九点钟rsity Policy sections are reviewed and updated regularly.

SMU U九点钟rsity Policy Manual是 classified in的 f问题从 主题ect基于“增大化现实”技术eas:

政策部分 负责人员
1.0机构事务 总法律顾问
2.0学术事务 教务长兼学术事务副校长
3.0的访问 & 股本 机构准入和公平执行主任
4.0的业务 & 金融 商业和金融副总裁
5.发展和对外事务 负责发展和对外事务的副总裁
6.0设施管理 商业和金融副总裁
7.0人力资源 商业和金融副总裁
8.0信息技术 首席信息官
9.0的警察 & 公共安全 商业和金融副总裁
10.0的研究 负责研究的副总裁
11.0风险管理 商业和金融副总裁
12.0学生事务 负责学生事务的副校长


6.  临时政策

An Interim Policy may be promulgated by the President in situations where a U九点钟rsity Policy must be established in a time period too short to permit the completion of this process.

7.  异常

While 大学政策 are expected to be followed by U九点钟rsity faculty, 学生, 员工和其他相关人员, an exception to a U九点钟rsity Policy may be granted for good cause shown, 负责人. An exception is ordinarily limited to the particular facts and circumstances giving rise to the request.

8.  问题

问题 about 大学政策 and proposed revisions may be directed to the 负责人员 or to the 总法律顾问. 以方便遵守, Policies may include references to relevant offices and materials that基于“增大化现实”技术e available to answer policy specific questions.

9.  根据参考成立

的 f问题从 documents and publications are incorporated into the 大学政策手册 by reference and carry the full weight and effect of policy:

  1. 新大公司章程
  2. 新大章程
  3. 新大目录
  4. 新大学生手册

10.  Departmental Administrative Rules, 程序, 和指导方针

大学政策 are distinguishable from Departmental Administrative Rules, 程序, 和指导方针, 如附录A所定义


“大学政策” 意味着 a statement of management philosophy and direction established to provide assistance to the U九点钟rsity community in的 conduct of U九点钟rsity affairs. 大学政策 have broad application throughout the u九点钟rsity and help promote coordinated compliance with applicable laws and regulations, 提升运作效率, 强化大学的使命, 或者降低机构风险. Compliance with 大学政策 is mandatory for all members of the U九点钟rsity community, 如第4节所述.

《威尼斯人娱乐城》 意味着 a rule that does not have broad impact on的 U九点钟rsity community but is limited in scope and application to the college, 学校, 或其颁布的部门. In的 event of a conflict between a U九点钟rsity Policy and a Departmental Administrative Rule or Procedure, 大学政策将取代.

“过程” 意味着 a set of statements that prescribe specific actions to be taken to conform to established 大学政策 or Departmental Administrative Rules.

“指导方针” 表示一般语句, 建议, or administrative instructions designed to achieve the objectives of a U九点钟rsity Policy or Departmental Administrative Rule. A Guideline may change based on的 environment and should be reviewed more frequently than 大学政策 and Departmental Administrative Rules. 指导方针不是强制性的.  这是一个最佳实践的建议. “指导方针”和“最佳实践”是可以互换的.

“负责任的官” 意味着 the person with administrative responsibility for the development and implementation of a section of the 大学政策手册.

“利益相关者” 意味着 an individual identified by a 负责人员 for potential contribution to the 起草 process.

修改后: 2019年1月2日

采用: 2019年1月2日

的 official 大学政策手册 is housed in的 Office of the U九点钟rsity Secretary. 的 U九点钟rsity Secretary is responsible for maintaining new and updated policies and for maintaining this website. Should the official 大学政策手册 conflict with any internal policies, 程序, 部门管理规章, 或指导方针, 这可能包含在学校提供的手册中, 部门, 或大学内部的部门, 官方的大学政策手册控制.