
在2022-2023学年, the university piloted a new process for hiring Postdoctoral 研究员 that was overseen by the 穆迪研究生和高级研究学院. This new process re-framed postdoctoral hiring at SMU so that it resembles the faculty hiring process. This new process is driven by the hiring manager/PI in collaboration with the department and school administration. 穆迪学院博士后事务办公室提供监督和指导. 如果您对这个过程有疑问,请联系




博士后招聘计划模板 (修订)


在开始寻找博士后之前, PIs/Supervisors and administrators should read the steps below to fully understand what is involved in hiring a postdoc at SMU. 此外,项目负责人/主管可能会发现,参考 新大寻找和招聘教师的模式, which is an excellent guide for understanding the broader institutional approach to academic hiring. 博士后的整个招聘过程都有文件记录,并在文件上签字 博士后聘任申请表 以及相关的附件. 在一般情况下 this form is filled out and circulated for signatures by the Postdoc Hiring Contact in the PI's school dean's office (more below).

PIs/Supervisors are encouraged to inform their departmental administrator and the school's postdoc hiring contact as soon as they have the intention to hire a postdoc. 通常, PIs/Supervisors will receive administrative support with postdoctoral hiring from their school's dean's office (Lyle/Dedman/Simmons). 这取决于学校/部门, 这种支持可能包括收集信息, 填写所需表格, 传阅文件供签署, 以及使用Interfolio系统. 如果你对谁可以提供博士后招聘方面的帮助有疑问, 请联系您的部门管理员和以下博士后招聘联系人:

如果你打算招聘博士后,但你的学校不在上面列出, 请直接联系博士后事务办公室的Rob Pearson (

Departmental Administrators who have questions about this process should contact their school's 院长办公室 or Rob Pearson in the Office of 博士后事务 by email (或致电214-768-6122查询。.

负责招聘博士后的人, 包括搜索委员会的所有成员(如果有的话), 须完成反偏见培训(智能搜索),通过多元化和包容性办公室(多样性和包容性办公室). PIs/Supervisors should work with their school’s Diversity Officer to enroll in the training. 这和教员搜索的训练是一样的, and faculty are encouraged to participate in this one-time training well before embarking upon a search. 大部分工作坊在8月和9月举行, aligned with the faculty search cadence; however, 全年培训将在有限的基础上提供.

The school's postdoc hiring contact will initiate the postdoctoral hiring process by working with the school's 金融业务经理 (FBM),以确保各机构有足够的资金支付博士后的费用. FBM将识别位置编号, 家庭基地组织, 收费机构, 以及该职位的资助单位组织. 学校的博士后招聘联系人会将这些数字输入 博士后预约申请表 并传阅供FBM电子签署的表格.

如果博士后职位是由外部资助的, 私家侦探亦应与研究办公室(赞助项目 & 合同) to ensure that the use of funds for a postdoctoral position aligns with the requirements of the funding agency.

如果这些机构的资金尚未到位,但它们有望(e.g. they are awaiting disbursement for a successful grant application or they are pending renewal), 那么在大多数情况下,PI仍然会发布招聘广告, provided the FBM and PI work with the Office of 研究 to make other funding arrangements (i.e. 占位符org等.)在此期间.

在一般情况下, postdoctoral hires must go through a formal recruitment process unless a special exception has been made (See step 4b). The recruitment of a postdoc requires a Recruitment Plan composed/compiled by the PI/Supervisor, 哪个学校的博士后招聘联系方式会附在 博士后聘任表博士后招聘计划模板可在此查看. 计划因职位和部门而异. 在一般情况下, the plan should include 1) the job advertisement in its entirety and any additional advertising language for the position, 2)将投放广告的所有出版物, 包括努力接触多元化出版物, 3) a signed statement from the school’s Diversity Officer confirming that all search committee members have completed the 智能搜索 Training, 4)其他有关招聘工作的相关信息.

一旦招聘计划被创建并附上, 部门行政人员将分发该报告供机构审查 多样性和包容性办公室,它必须在 博士后聘任申请表. 当这些办公室已经批准了招聘计划和招聘广告文本, 博士后招聘联系人将此表格发送至博士后事务办公室(,以获得最终批准,然后才能在Interfolio上发布职位.

Postdoctoral appointments of candidates who are already known may be permitted by special exception, 前提是PI/主管编写了一份 请求变更 (详情见下文),博士后招聘联系人已将其附在 博士后聘任申请表.

A request for a variance is a simple memorandum a few sentences in length that explains the rationale for why a search would not likely help identify a more qualified candidate than the one that has already been identified. It should explain the nature of the candidate's specialized expertise/experience and its alignment with the research that will be conducted. The request for variance may also address the PI's/Supervisor's knowledge of professional networks that are relevant to the research being conducted, 已经确定的候选人的业务需求, or any other relevant details that justify granting an exception to the normal recruitment process used to identify high-quality diverse candidates through a search.

如果计划任命一个已知的候选人, 那么pi /导师和博士后招聘联系人可以跳过步骤5-6并提交 博士后聘任申请表 直接发往博士后事务办公室(

The school's postdoc hiring contact should identify the person responsible for posting positions in Interfolio. 在一般情况下, this is the same person in the school's dean's office who posts faculty positions. 每个学校/学院都有一个 指定的联络点) 谁可以帮助回答有关Interfolio的问题. 此外,教务长办公室有一个有用的指南 使用Interfolio进行教师搜索. 招聘广告可以在Interfolio上发布一次 博士后聘任申请表 是完整的.

In addition, send a copy of the final advertisement in Microsoft Word format, 500 words or less, to 为了遵守联邦法规,IAE将与德克萨斯州劳动力委员会一起发布广告.

PIs/Supervisors and departmental administrators should follow the procedures used for postdoc hiring in their school and department to review applications, 面试候选人, 并选出(a)个决赛选手.

一旦确定了最佳候选人, 学校的博士后招聘候选人应完成《威尼斯人博彩》第2部分 博士后聘任申请表,并分发给学校院长的电子签名. 表格一经签署,即可送交博士后事务处( The 博士后事务 Office will prepare the candidate’s offer letter using the information provided on the 博士后聘任申请表. 录取通知书是基于 template; additional language may be added to the offer letter, 但须经法律事务厅核准. 录取通知书的草稿将与PI/主管传阅, 然后通过DocuSign发送给候选人.

如果被任命者需要签证担保才能作为博士后加入新大, then they will need to work directly with the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) to determine the best path forward. ISSS使用 交流访问学者签证问卷 初步确定所需的担保类型. 一旦候选人被确定, the 博士后事务 Office will ask the candidate to complete this questionnaire as soon as possible. 注意赞助的类型, 被任命者的实际位置, and the appointee’s country of citizenship may impact the time required to apply for and receive a visa. 60到90天的文书处理等待时间是正常的 等待签证预约的时间.

The ISSS's recommendation for the type of sponsorship to be pursued will determine the subsequent steps in the process toward the candidate's sponsorship. 在很多情况下, 赞助需要提供录取通知书, therefore it may be prepared and sent to the candidate right away in order to expedite any steps they must take with respect to sponsorship.

有关此过程的更多信息, pi /导师和学校的博士后招聘联系方式请咨询ISSS网站 邀请外国公民.

一经候选人签名, 博士后事务办公室将向人力资源部发送录取通知书, 谁会进行背景调查, 如果清除, 开始与候选人进行入职文书工作. 最后, 博士后事务办公室将为被任命者准备一份工资授权表, 与适当的人传阅, and submit to payroll to ensure the appointee will be paid from the appropriate source in time for their start date.