

Figure: 即将上映的暑期电影《威尼斯人娱乐城》的制片人和导演在繁忙的日程中休息,摆姿势拍照. (从左至右:Juan Davalos、Suniti Bhikshesvaran、Yvonne Yang、Tyler Chapman)

Biennially, 新大电影专业的学生有机会在电影学部的暑期电影制作项目中制作自己的故事片. 这部电影的制作从开始到完成需要两年的时间,完全由新大电影专业的学生策划和制作.


By the end of the 2023 fall semester, 这个周期的电影剧本已经选定,核心工作人员也已经确定. And with those two items checked off the list, 生产进度真的要开始加快了.


The selected script for the current Summer Film Production project was written by Kevin Leong, a recent alum of Meadows’ Creative Computation program, and is titled Egg Drop Soup. The story follows Jamie Chen, a Chinese mother of two, 当她在她的小家庭几代人之间的文化差异中导航时. 她发现,无论她的孩子多么反对她的刻板期望,也不管她年迈的父亲多么努力地推行中国的代际价值观, 家庭永远不能分离,就像一锅热菜的关键成分, steaming bowl of egg drop soup.


Senior Yvonne Yang is at the helm of Egg Drop Soup 作为这部电影的导演,他目前正专注于本学期的前期制作阶段,准备在夏季开拍.


“As a director, 我主要负责电影制作的创意方面,” explains Yang, 谁经常和她的工作人员见面,每周大约八到九个小时,讨论电影的细节. “It’s mainly collaborating with each creative department, from cinematographer and production designer to producers, 并向他们表达我对电影的看法,这样他们就可以通过提供建议和知识来帮助我实现它.”


杨的三位制片人是他的电影同学Suniti Bhikshesvaran, Tyler Chapman和Juan Davalos. The pre-production process will move quickly this semester, 制片人的任务是组建和最终确定演员和工作人员, finding shooting locations, 建立演员和工作人员夏季住房的后勤, 协调创意部门之间的合作, and most importantly, financing the film.


“From a producing standpoint, 这一切都是为了解决问题,并找出如何使导演的愿景成为现实,” shares Bhikshesvaran, a junior in Meadows’ film program. “现在我们已经为关键的创意角色找到了最好的人选,我们完全信任他们来完成电影制作的创意工作. 作为制作人,我们需要将这些愿景变为现实.”



前期制作过程的一部分是创建设计手册, 这其中包括有助于指导电影视觉方向的位置分解(如上所示).


每周都会给团队带来新的挑战和机遇, with casting now in its final stages. 这些角色的最终入围者正在进行第三轮试镜, 现在包括化学解读,以确保演员配合良好,并在屏幕上有一个可信的融洽关系.


“Auditions have been such an interesting process, seeing what each actor brings to the role,制片人兼电影部门高级研究员查普曼说. “这些艺术家也一直在给我们提供如何让角色感觉更真实的想法.”


Egg Drop Soup 会是第一部外国长片吗. The story itself is about family, 哪一个话题既特殊又一般, but it also involves a lot of cooking and movements, so finding the right actors for the film is imperative.


“Everyone has family, so even they do not have an Asian background, 他们将能够理解这部电影的所有家庭方面,” says Yang, 谁期待着和她的演员们一起排练. “On the other hand, this is about a Chinese family, which is a different experience and culture, 所以能够听到我们的演员说出台词并将其带入生活对我来说是一种非常棒的经历.”



Character mood boards, like the one in process above, 是作为制作设计手册的一部分创建的,以帮助演员和工作人员将电影中的角色栩栩如生.



Next up for the crew? Fundraising. Raising money for the film is a big, and important, 需要制片人和导演的投入才能成功. The producers handle the general logistics of financing, 而导演则为潜在的捐赠者提供导演式的待遇,这样他们就可以看到电影的愿景,并决定是否要捐赠.


筹款即将开始,最后的演员阵容也即将确定,《 Egg Drop Soup is about to really hit the ground running. By the time summer rolls around, 所有前期制作细节将最终确定,拍摄将开始.


“这部电影的合作方面都是令人兴奋的体验,” says Davalos, one of the film’s producers. “当我们看到每个人对这个项目的热情达到顶峰时,到达后期制作的终点将是超现实的.”


Egg Drop Soup is anticipated to be completed in mid-2025, 什么时候会提交到全国各地的电影节. Previous projects from this program, like The Book of Job,甚至被挑选出来在多个流媒体服务上发布.


Read more about the Summer Film Production project series here and explore fundraising opportunities for Egg Drop Soup here.