
SMU’s 风险管理办公室 offers a vast array of training opportunities. 下面是我们最常见的培训, please feel free to reach out to us for any safety-related training needs that you may have and we can make it happen.




所有教师, 工作人员, 学生, and visitors that work in SMU research laboratories must take 实验室安全培训. 这是EHS每月提供的3小时的现场培训. 它涉及风险评估和应急准备, 化学卫生, 危险废物管理, 个人防护装备, 还有更多. 


EHS-provided training courses cover applicable state and federal laws, but 替代“实验室内”主管主导的培训. 特殊化学品处理, 过程开发, and operating procedural training must be given by the principal investigator and should be documented as part of the departmental personnel files.

As part of the specific supervisor-led laboratory training required for all individual working within SMU research laboratories, EHS offers the 实验室特定培训模板 to be used as a template for on-boarding your researchers and further training them on various SOPs and equipment. The template can be contracted or expanded as the laboratory supervisor sees fit. 联系你的主管或Gloria Ruiz-研究安全经理.



This training session is a broad overview of laboratory safety obligations presented to principal investigators and laboratory supervisors that manage laboratories. It is a one-on-one session that serves as an introduction to EHS and provides the opportunity for supervisors to address specific concerns that they have regarding their research interests. 实验室主管培训 is scheduled on an as-needed basis by contacting Brandon Chance.




This 1-hour training is required for all SMU 学生 and employees whose work involves any of the following:

  • 生物制剂, 包括但不限于, those agents in all 高危人群 defined in Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories.
  • Recombinant or Synthetic DNA as defined by the NIH Guidelines for 研究 Involving Recombinant or Synthetic DNA Molecules.
  • Dual use research of concern as defined by the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity.
  • 选择药剂和毒素, regulated either by the Department of Health and Human Services or by the United States Department of Agriculture.
  • 人类的血液, 人体血液成分, 人类血液制成的产品, 和其他潜在传染性物质, 根据OSHA血源性病原体标准(29 CFR 1910)的定义.1030).

该培训将涉及生物危害, bloodborne病原体, 高危人群, 风险评估, 生物安全级别, 工程控制, 管理控制, 微生物工作实务, 个人防护装备, 溢油及紧急应变, 生物废弃物, 去污, 和更多的. Current SMU researchers are expected to complete the training as soon as possible. 培训现在可以亲自或在线完成.



All personnel that conduct SMU-sponsored researched involving animal subjects are required to have training. This training is administered via the CITI Program by the Office of 研究合规. 请联系 研究合规 了解更多信息.


Any employee or student whose work or education involves reasonably anticipated exposure to human blood or other potentially infectious materials must receive training on the epidemiology, 症状, 以及每年血液传播疾病的传播. 该培训可通过安全技能系统在线获得. 请参阅 Bloodborne病原体 以获取更多信息.


All personnel and 学生 that work with Class 3b and Class 4 lasers are required to have 激光安全培训. 这个在线培训, 通过safetskills管理, 介绍激光的功能和操作, 相关的危险, 以及必须采取的安全措施来控制这些危害.


Machine shop training is currently administered by the SMU machine shop supervisors. 请与您所在部门的车间主管联系以获取更多信息.


Radiation safety training is currently administered on as-needed basis through EHS and our Radiation 安全 Officer - Mike Nimmo. 请联系EHS了解更多信息. 


All personnel and 学生 that use a respirator for any reason must enroll in the 呼吸防护计划. This program can include required annual training, which is administered online via 安全Skills. 请参阅 呼吸防护计划 请参阅有关该计划的更多信息.


All personnel and 学生 that work in SMU's art studios are required to have 艺术安全训练. 这个在线培训, 通过safetskills管理, addresses the physical and chemical hazards usually associated with arts education.



结合成人心肺复苏术, AED, and First Aid training in a program designed for the occupational first aid provider. This comprehensive program will help employees meet OSHA and other federal and state regulatory requirements for training on how to respond and care for medical emergencies. Students who complete this course will receive a certificate for Adult CPR/AED/ First-Aid valid for two years.


SMU EHS holds a New Contractor Orientation Class for all new contractors working on campus. 课程每月或根据需要举行. 承包商导向讨论期望, 与学生打交道, 工作许可证, 以及许多其他重要的话题,对于在校园里安全工作是必要的. All contractors are required to attend the New Contractor Orientation class.

OSHA 10小时一般工业

OSHA 10 Hours class is an OSHA authorized course that is designed to train workers in the basics of occupational health and safety. The 10-hour OSHA outreach courses introduce employees to the basic practices of identifying, 消除和报告与他们的工作有关的危险. 完成课程后,每个人将获得OSHA 10小时卡.


Anyone working at unprotected heights greater than 4 feet at SMU will need to go through a fall protection class. 在防摔课上, 学生们将学习有关跌倒危险的知识, 防护设备, 安全缓解. After completing the class, 学生 will be able to work at heights safely.


The confined space class teaches 学生 the hazards of working in confined space and permit-required confined spaces. 学生将学习进入密闭空间的安全程序, 大气监测, 通风, 以及如何使用个人防护装备.


People who are performing service or maintenance on machinery and equipment may be exposed to injuries from the unexpected energization or release of stored energy in the equipment. The Lock Out –Tag Out class teaches 学生 how to properly perform LOTO and the affective elements of energy control procedures.