Sunday, September 29, 2024 Sep 29, 2024
84° F Dallas, TX


"Palms joined, with gratitude."
Allison V. Smith


As a young Jesuit from the Philippines, 他被派往日本教书,在那里他遇到了禅宗的实践. He was, as he put it, “hooked for life.他在山田坤罗手下接受了18年的正式训练,后来搬到了达拉斯. Since 1989, 他一直是世界宗教教授和南威尼斯人娱乐城精神形成的灵性主任. 他写了五本关于佛教和基督教的书,是佛教的创始人 Maria Kannon Zen Center in Dallas.

Habito still is connected to the Catholic Church. 我是在奥克朗圣三一天主教堂(Holy Trinity Catholic Church)教他当时10岁的儿子时认识他的. Like his father, Benjamin has a curious mind. 我不知道有多少次我不得不说,“让我回头再告诉你。.”  I do know that I took more notes than he did. But I digress.

Now it is my turn to ask Habito some questions. Before we get to the Q&A, let’s sit with him. 我发现他一个月前制作的这个入门视频对这个时刻很有帮助. 我认为,就疫情而言,我们都有初学者的心态. 你将从这个简短的演讲中体验到一些基础.

Ruben, 你的精神迁移可能会让那些从小就走单一道路的读者挠头, but meditation is its core, as it is at the contemplative core of most religion. Is meditation actually at odds with any religion? Not that I know of. 在我十几岁左右加入耶稣会时,我被引导进行了定期的冥想练习. The format was the Spiritual Exercises of St. 罗耀拉的依纳爵,他是一名在战斗中受伤的士兵. 躺在床上休养时,他重新审视了自己的生活重心, 深入冥想和沉思的内心之旅, and ended up becoming a spiritual guide to others. 他的方法将一个精神追求者从自我关注的生活转变为热爱服务他人和世界的生活.

When the Jesuits sent me to teach in Japan, I was introduced to Zen practice, and suddenly my spiritual understanding was magnified. 在日本呆了20年后,我来到了达拉斯,所以我来到了这里. 我继续在新大做我的日常工作,帮助学生为基督教事工做准备, 还可以在东达拉斯卫理公会教堂的禅宗社区里静坐冥想( 我们是一个向各种宗教背景或没有任何宗教背景的人开放的团体, 我们在一起沉默地坐着找到了共同点. Come and join us sometime. (Ooops! Perhaps not this week.) I have to say though, that during these times of social distancing, we conduct zoom Zen sessions regularly, several times a week, with a short Zen talk offered at the end for guidance.

你已经回答了我的下一个问题,但我还是要问. For the beginner, 有些人可能希望他或她的练习超越使用Headspace或Calm, two wildly popular meditation apps, what would you suggest? Community is important. Joining a group practicing meditation together, whether it be Zen or mindfulness meditation, or Christian centering prayer, 是否总是一种鼓励深入练习的好方法.

但在这些时候,集体聚会是不可能的, 一种从正在做的事情中暂停一下的简单练习, at any time throughout the day, taking a deep breath or two, or three, 意识到此时此地,无论你身在何处, 使人能够欣赏当下的礼物. Going further, if one can make a habit of taking time regularly, whether for five minutes, or 10, or 20, to sit still, being aware of one’s breathing, allowing the mind to rest in the present moment, 这可以在新的精神发现的生活中走很长的路. 它会让你的内心更平静,更快乐,更感恩.

I think uncertainty, as you mention in your video, 对于许多在达拉斯过着平淡无奇生活的人来说,这是一个新的领域吗. (艾德注:如果你还没有看过视频,现在就回去看一看!) Those who have been very fortunate, might find even a glimmer of compassion in this moment, which you also mention, 因为这场大流行病使不平等现象更加突出. 同情心:我们如何将其转化为行动-并维持它, now and 24 months from now, 当后covid世界开始成为我们的生活方式时?

这种不确定性给越来越多的人带来了焦虑, especially the most vulnerable among us. 焦虑是我们不知道前进方向的自然结果, 并且根植于想要控制一切的欲望, to have things go the way we prefer. 不安全感和疏离感使我们内心不安, being separated from our own roots, being separated from one another, 与我们赖以生存和生存的自然世界分离. 克服这种分离是克服不安全感和疏离感的关键.

In meditation practice, we are enjoined to breathe each breath with awareness, 并重新与这个永远存在的、支撑着我们的活生生的神秘联系起来, the breath. We are invited to come home to the breath. 在这里,我们与每个人、每件事都有着深刻的联系, and it enables us to come home to a place of peace, 这是世界上任何吸引人的事物都无法提供的平静. In this place of peace, we are able to live through the uncertainty, and overcome anxiety, with an attitude of acceptance of “what is,” no matter what. This is a state of mind that is called “equanimity.”

And if and when things do collapse, if we remain in a state of equanimity, 我们将能够从废墟中收集到任何可用的资源, and take it from there, 在废墟中为世界奉献自己, in whatever way we are can. Meditation can open up and bring power into our lives, 这种力量远远超过了我们小小的心计和焦虑的头脑所能想象的.
